Below you can find all information about the custom enchants active on the Craftbit KitPVP server.
Some basic details:
The rarity of enchantments is calculated as follows:
weight / total weight * 100%
Total weight is the sum of the weights of all available enchantments including vanilla ones.
Rarity | Weight |
Common | 17 |
Uncommon | 10 |
Rare | 6 |
Epic | 3 |
Legendary | 1 |
Some enchants 'conflict' with others. This means that they can not be combined together on one item.
Enchantment | Applies to | Rarity | Levels | Conflicts | Description |
Bunny Hop | Boots | Rare | 1-3 | - | Grants Jump Boost effect. |
Darkness Cloak | Chestplate | Common | 1-3 | - | Applies Darkness effect to the attacker. |
Elemental Protection | All Armor | Common | 1-5 | - | Reduces Poison, Magic, Wither, Lightning, Freeze damage. |
Fire Shield | Chestplate | Uncommon | 1-3 | - | Like Thorns, but ignites the attacker. |
Ice Shield | Chestplate | Common | 1-3 | - | Freezes and slows down the attacker. |
Hardened | Chestplate | Uncommon | 1-3 | - | Grants Damage Resistance effect on receiving damage. |
Rebound | Boots | Rare | 1-3 | Feather Falling | Gives the effect of landing on a slime block. |
Regrowth | Chestplate | Legendary | 1-5 | - | Restores certain amount hearts over the time regardless of the food and saturation levels. |
Saturation | Helmet | Epic | 1-3 | - | Restores certain amount of food and saturation over the time. |
Sonic | Boots | Legendary | 1-3 | - | Grants Speed effect. |
Stopping Force | Leggings | Epic | 1-3 | - | Reduces knockback when getting damage. |
These enchantments apply to any sword or axe.
Enchantment | Rarity | Levels | Conflicts | Description |
Blindness | Uncommon | 1-3 | - | Chance to apply Blindness effect on hit. |
Confusion | Common | 1-3 | - | Chance to apply Nausea effect on hit. |
Cutter | Rare | 1-5 | - | Chance to reduce durability and unequip enemy's armor on hit. |
Decapitator | Epic | 1-4 | - | Chance to drop enemy's head on kill. |
Double Strike | Epic | 1-4 | - | Chance to inflict double damage. |
Exhaust | Common | 1-3 | - | Chance to apply Hunger effect on hit. |
Ice Aspect | Rare | 1-3 | - | Chance to apply Slowness effect on hit. |
Rage | Legendary | 1-3 | - | Chance to receive Strength effect on hit. |
Swiper | Rare | 1-3 | - | Chance to steal player's XP on hit. |
Temper | Epic | 1-5 | - | Chance to inflict more damage depends on how many hearts you lost. |
Thunder | Epic | 1-5 | - | Chance to summon Lightning strike on hit. |
Vampire | Legendary | 1-4 | - | Chance to regain health on hit. |
Venom | Rare | 1-3 | - | Chance to apply Poison effect on hit. |
Wither | Rare | 1-3 | - | Chance to apply Wither effect on hit. |
These enchantments apply to any bow or crossbow.
Enchantment | Rarity | Levels | Conflicts | Description |
Bomber | Rare | 1-3 | Power, Punch, Flame, Flare, Ender Bow, Ghast, (Arrow Effect Enchants) | Chance to launch TNT instead of an Arrow. |
Ender Bow | Epic | 1 | Ghast, Bomber, Flare | Chance to launch an Ender Pearl instead of an Arrow. |
Ghast | Rare | 1 | Ender Bow, Bomber, Flare | Chance to launch a Fireball instead of an Arrow. |
Sniper | Uncommon | 1-5 | - | Increases projectile speed. |
Lingering | Epic | 1-3 | Ender Bow, Ghast, Bomber | Makes tipped arrows generate a lingering effect when the arrow hits a block. |
Confusing Arrows | Uncommon | 1-3 | Ender Bow, Ghast, Bomber | Chance to launch an arrow with Nausea effect on hit. |
Dragonfire Arrows | Epic | 1-3 | Ender Bow, Ghast, Bomber | Chance to launch an arrow with Dragon Breath effect on hit. |
Darkness Arrows | Uncommon | 1-3 | Ender Bow, Ghast, Bomber | Chance to launch an arrow with Darkness effect on hit. |
Electrified Arrows | Epic | 1-3 | Ender Bow, Ghast, Bomber | Chance to launch an arrow with Lightning effect on hit. |
Explosive Arrows | Rare | 1-3 | Ender Bow, Ghast, Bomber | Chance to launch an arrow with Explosion effect on hit. |
Poisoned Arrows | Uncommon | 1-3 | Ender Bow, Ghast, Bomber | Chance to launch an arrow with Poison effect on hit. |
Vampiric Arrows | Legendary | 1-3 | Ender Bow, Ghast, Bomber | Chance to restore health on arrow hit. |
Withered Arrows | Rare | 1-3 | Ender Bow, Ghast, Bomber | Chance to launch an arrow with Wither effect on hit. |
These enchantments apply to fishing rods. (Yes, of course you can fish on the KitPVP server )
Enchantment | Rarity | Levels | Conflicts | Description |
Auto Reel | Epic | 1 | - | Automatically reels in a hook on bite. |
Double Catch | Rare | 1-3 | - | Increases amount of caught item by x2. |
Seasoned Angler | Uncommon | 1-4 | - | Increases amount of gained XP from fishing. |
Survivalist | Uncommon | 1 | - | Automatically cooks fish if what is caught is raw. |
River Master | Common | 1-5 | - | Increases casting distance. |
These enchantments apply to any enchantable item.
Enchantment | Chance | Levels | Conflicts | Description |
Restore | Epic | 1-5 | - | When an item breaks it loses the enchant and the item is brought back to certain durability. |
Soulbound | Legendary | 1 | - | Prevents item from being dropped upon death. |
Curse of Breaking | Common | 1-3 | Unbreaking | Chance to take extra item durability points. |